Transportation, including automobiles and railroads, is an essential social infrastructure that transports large numbers of people and goods from point to point and generates the flow of people and goods. Legacy transportation systems are primarily driven and operated by people, and computer technology has been used to support people by reducing human load, improving safety, and increasing control efficiency. However, with recent advances in information and communication technology, there is growing momentum to actively utilize IoT in the transportation sector. For example, various uses of IoT have been proposed and some have been put to practical use, such as automating driving, realizing efficient transportation, optimizing maintenance and management, and creating new services. The Transportation Track will focus on IoT-enabled transportation innovation in Japan and worldwide, providing up-to-date information on the following topics, including practical examples and development trends.
- 5G communications and cellular networks in transportation
- Automated driving technology
- Cooperative ITS, cooperative automated driving
- New transportation services such as Mobility As a Service (Maas)
- Utilization of IoT in railroad systems
Dr. Yuki Ota, Assistant senior researcher, Railway Technical Research Institute

Yuki Ota is assistant senior researcher in Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), Japan. He received his B. Eng., M. Eng. and Ph. D. degrees from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 2010, 2012 and 2015, respectively. In 2015 he joined RTRI. He works in Train Control Systems laboratory, has been involved on-board train position detecting system and autonomous train operation system. He has also involved in the safety assessment of signalling systems like Communication-Based Train Control system (CBTC). In addition, from 2018 to 2021, he was seconded to East Japan Railway Company (JR East). He received a paper award from The Magnetics Society of Japan and excellent presentation award from The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) in 2012 when he was a graduate student.
Dr. Manabu Tsukada, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo

Dr. Manabu Tsukada is currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is also a designated associate professor at the Center for Embedded Computing Systems, Nagoya University, Japan. And He is a visiting professor at Aalto University from February 2021 to November 2021. He received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Keio University, Japan, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He worked in IMARA Team, Inria, France, during his Ph.D. course and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Centre de Robotique, Mines ParisTech, France, in 2011. During his pre and postdoc research stages, he has participated in a multitude of international projects in the networked ITS area, such as GeoNet, ITSSv6, SCORE@F, CVIS, Nautilus6, or ANEMONE. He has been serving as a board member of the WIDE Project since 2014. His research interests are mobility support for the next-generation Internet (IPv6), Internet audio-visual media, and communications for intelligent vehicles.